Falcao open for a big comeback!



The media have been speculating on Radamela Falcao's future for some time now.

The Colombian agreement with AS Monaco is valid until April 30
June 2020. On the possible departure of Falcao from the club of the principality
have already been written and bad results referenced by ASM
they only made such a scenario plausible.

Until here, it seemed
the 32-year-old can move to the United States.
Representatives of the Colombian also offered it to Real Madrid. "AS" writes however that Falcao can also return to

Wednesday, Monaco measured against "Rojiblancos"
in the Champions League. The Madrid team won 2-0 and before
The Spanish club honored Falcao from the start of the match. That of
he did not rule out that he could put his shirt back on.

– You never know what will happen in the future. Atlético
it will always be in my heart. Who knows, maybe after finishing
contract with Monaco … I really do not know what will happen. Certainly always
I support the "Rojiblancos". A gift from the club? It's very nice. It's not even a matter of goals or trophies, but it's
gratitude for the effort and commitment. These are values
Atlético and I identify with that – said the attacker.

Falcao played in Madrid in 2011-2013. At that time
scored 70 goals in "91 Rojiblancos" in 91 games.

this season, the 32-year-old striker has already scored five goals
he scored two assists in 16 matches under Monaco's colors.

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