This could be the misinformation of foreign services – as well as the fake security text with the alert from the government security center told the Homeland Security Agency. In collaboration with the police, the agency is trying to detect "RCB alerts" sent to recipients in the Podkarpacie region and has called men between the ages of 18 and 65 to go to the offices of the municipality "to take into account of the situation in Ukraine ".
External action can be proven – as our journalist has said – a coincidence related to the situation behind our eastern border and therefore to the introduction of martial law in Ukraine.
The fact that this false information has reached the south-east of Poland, in the municipalities bordering Ukraine, also gives us pause.
Of course, the services also take into account that it was a stupid piece and that it was also the work of local actors – a hacker or someone with access to the infrastructure of mobile network.
ABW has already initiated proceedings in this case. Now the most important is to get all the information from the operators who send them the information provided by RCB.
The program "RCB Alert" will officially start on December 12 and is currently the subject of pilot projects. It is intended to alert mobile phone users about a potential threat, such as weather hazards.
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