Fat found in a Wroclaw bus. A Ukrainian lost dollars, euros and zlotys


  Money found on a Wrocław bus. Photo: MPK Wrocław
The money found on a Wrocław bus. Photo: MPK Wrocław

An unusual discovery was made by a bus driver from the city of Wrocław during routine vehicle checks. He found a bag with money. In total, there were 7.7 thousand US dollars, 945 euros and 575 zlotys.

The MPK driver from Wrocław found a bag of money. It turned out that one of the passengers left him.

– The driver looked inward. It turned out that there was a lot of money. At first glance, it seemed that there were at least a few thousand dollars – Agnieszka Korzeniowska from Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Komunikacyjny in Wrocław said for tvn24.

The bus driver was informed of the discovery of the MPK headquarters and the police. It turned out that the police was also the unlucky person who lost money

– he turned out to be a citizen of Ukraine. The bag was – in terms of zloty – about 30,000 PLN – said MPK spokesman.

After checking the Ukrainian, the money went to the owner. The MPK spokeswoman announced that the company would think about the reward for the honesty of the driver. It seems to us, however, that the owner of the money found should think about the price and not about the municipal business.

Source: TVN24 / MPK Wroclaw

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