Fatal results of Kurdej-Satan's research. She underwent an alternative therapy


Barbara Kurdej Satan

Author: Artur Hojny

Barbara Kurdej-Szatan (33) has been battling Lyme disease for five years. Unfortunately, traditional treatment methods have not worked. The actress "M jak milosc" has returned to an unconventional method – treatment with special currents.

Barbara Kurdej-Szatan has recently received some research results that are not the best. – They went wrong, but I feel good. I may have that good feeling to my positive attitude. Because when I was nervous last time, I felt that the disease was regaining control – said the actress at the magazine "Live".

The star "M jak miłość" has abandoned antibiotic therapy to return to the current treatment method. – The antibiotic weakens and destroys the body in the long run. In addition to the currents, I also put on a diet and herbs, revealed Barbara Kurdej-Satatan.

The actress must remember regular tests, which she often does not provide. – I'm very systematic – she admitted.

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