Feeding the Victims of GetBack – Judiciary


Unknown people got data from GetBack customers and try to stretch them. Victims notify the Internal Security Agency and the ABC.

Probably fraudsters came into possession of the personal database of customers of a large national bank, through which willing buyers bought GetBack bonds. Now, the fake brokers offer investments that could be "compensated". However, more than just fraudulent offers are concerned that callers know the sensitive data of GetBack customers.

] Three new charges for the former president of GetBack

The number with the "six"

obligations GetBack bought about 10,000 customers for a total PLN 2.5 billion.At today, they are losing.-Now, someone calls to get another money, and tomorrow he can go home or make a ransom for a ransom – says Artiom Bujan , President of Sto

The Polish Financial Supervisory Authority warned against fraud a few days ago and has appealed to the Association to help identify the perpetrators – it asks, among other things, for documents, e-mails or text messages that could nduire the track.

The first cheats phones were received by GetBack customers in June, until mid-July. "I've received a proposal to buy GetBack bonds," they say, "I've been called twice on June 13," says Artiom Bujan, "the alleged buyout had to pay twice in cash for what I had invested in GetBack ". if the appellant is "AFI", that is, an agent of the investment company having UKNF rights, he heard that he is not he does not represent the brokerage. – From July 5 to 12, bondholders in the country were very aggressively called, even a meeting at the hotel was suggested, the property was questioned – Bujan adds

– First they have called my wife, then to me. The man claimed that I could "turn away" if I invested in other companies – tells us the GetBack bond holder from Wroclaw – He said that if I bought GetBack bonds for 1,000 PLN, after paying 3,000 PLN, I could come back What I invested in the new company, interest and money obligations GetBack, "says the customer, who will have wait three to eight years. "The guarantee that I will not lose my money would be my share in the real estate of the company in which I invested. The alarm light is on – it reports

Similar phones by the association have been received by customers GetBack from Warsaw, Wrocław and Poznań, for example, they heard some answers from the phone. calling, for example from the signature on the post. – But I did not give any phone number – says a citizen of Wrocław

Where do the customer's data come from?

Consent to the suggestions of cheaters means the loss of money hw GetBack bonds, and those with new obligations – For this cheater has GetBack credits credited to each other and can draw something from it at l & 39. Future – One of the victims points out out.Callstick asked customers if they have a package of documents from the bank, through which they acquired GetBack obligations.

The telephone number of the fraudsters is repeated. – The name given by the appellant was probably invented because it is common – says a customer from Wrocław

"Due to the knowledge of the contact details of the bondholders, it is not excluded that people in contact have already been in contact with them at the stage of the offer GetBack SA obligations, or have access to the personal data of GetBack SA bondholders "- wrote the Financial Supervisory Authority to the Association .

Rumor has made that GetBack is broken, a large group of employees who have squeezed bonds have been released from one of the banks.

We were not able to get a comment on the services on Monday, the KNF ensures that it is serious about the suspicions of the bondholders – we have received signals about these entities and analyzed the reported cases. however, we can provide information about the entities It is and what are the effects of the analysis – says Monika Bogatko, head of the social communication department of the Financial Supervision Authority

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