FIFA 19 to improve after the transfer of Cristiano Ronaldo from Real to Juventus. Electronic Arts has a problem


The work on the game is at a very advanced level. It has long been known that the face of production will be Cristiano Ronaldo. The official trailer is already publicly available, in which the Portuguese football player breaks the main role and posters of the game.

Of course, in all these places Ronaldo appears in the shirt of Real Madrid, where he played during almost 10 years. The transfer to Juventus early in the week had to receive a lot of blood from EA Sports.

 FIFA 19 FIFA 19 picture by screen

In When the new FIFA is launched, the Portuguese player will play in Turin, which means that Electronic Arts must now hurry to prepare everything for the first of September. Nobody can imagine that FIFA 19 would be sold with Ronaldo in the jerseys of a Spanish team.

Game developers are therefore waiting to improve or even write part of the code from scratch. Ronaldo and Real Madrid needed to be a key part of career mode. In addition to the redesign of the game itself, it is also necessary to create a new trailer, posters and covers, on which Ronaldo appears with Neymar.

For the moment, EA Sports does not reveal how he intends to choose From the situation. In the case of a cover, the manufacturer may choose to show Ronaldo in a Juventus outfit. It is possible, however, that the creators are obliged to completely abandon the Portuguese player to a Real Madrid player.

The last episode of the extraordinary popular series of EA Sports will be premiered on September 28th.

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