FIFA ranking. Poland in 20th place


Up to here, the Biało-Czerwoni have split the 20th place with the Peruvian team, but after the victories over Austria and Latvia during the qualifying rounds of the European championships, they have 19 points ahead of their rival. In March, the Aztecs were socializing. They won 1-0 against Paraguay and lost against El Salvador 0: 2.

The fourth team is better than the finalists

In the top ten, there have been two changes: England has climbed to fourth place at the expense of the finalists of the Croatian World Championship, while Uruguay has overtaken Portugal and is now the sixth. Belgian leaders are three points ahead of the French world champions. In third place are the Brazilians.

The rivals of the coach Jerzy Brzęczka during qualifying rounds for the Euro 2020 are Austria, which dropped from 23rd to 34th place, which constitutes a record in the current list.

Another opponent of the team Jerzy Brzęczka – Israel has noted the biggest advance. He is currently 84 years old. In February, he was ranked in 92nd place. Other rivals in Poland are Slovenia (63rd), Macedonia North (68th) and Latvia – 133.

The leaders of the FIFA rankings – as of April 4, 2019:
(in parentheses in the previous list):
1. (1.) Belgium 1737 points
2. (2.) France 1734
3. (3.) Brazil 1676
4. (5.) England 1647
5. (4.) Croatia 1621
6. (7.) Uruguay 1613
7. (6.) Portugal 1607
8. (8.) Switzerland 1604
9. (9.) Spain 1601
10. (10.) Denmark 1586

20. (20.) Poland 1535
34. (23.) Austria 1479
63. (63.) Slovenia 1366
68. (71.) Northern Poland 1350
84. (92.) Israel 1285
133. (131.) Latvia 1101

Author: lukl
Source:, PAP

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