FIK, or gigantic amounts for the Prime Minister


As the Gazeta Wyborcza wrote, the creation of the Investment Fund provides for a draft amendment to the State Property Management Act, adopted by the Government.

This new state-owned special fund should constitute "a flexible source of funding for capital investment objectives of the Treasury, represented by the Prime Minister" – was written in the rationale of the project prepared by the office of Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki.

As added "GW", from the accumulated money on the accounts of the FIK, the state will be able to buy shares and shares of listed companies and not public, to increase its shares in companies and to spend them on investments. The FIK will not be able to give money for public support.

FIK accounts provide 30% of the dividends paid by companies to the state. On average, it will rise to 1.4 billion zlotys per year – as estimated in the project rationale. In addition, the FIK must receive payments from the profits of companies and state enterprises. This represents an average of 430 million PLN per year.

The FIK dispatcher will personally be Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki and will be able to authorize the head of his office – that is, Minister Michał Dworczyk to complete the transaction.

In practice, these changes imply a strengthening of power over state-owned companies owned by Prime Minister Morawiecki.

1 hour ago

reWell, we have the second FOZZ fund.
Only with a higher capital.

1 hour ago

youreturn of the communes in all their splendor! It turns out that the best security guards were not disclosed. We will only die in an airplane accident ….

1 hour ago

curlsBattle for the second commercial edition of Jakub Berman. For 50 years in Poland, the state has ruled. There will be increases in gas prices, electricity and fuel.

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