Final Six League of Nations. Bartosz Kurek: The Russians have not felt a breath on their backs [WIDEO]



Marek Żochowski, Lille

  Bartosz Kurek

Author: FIVB [19659006] Bartosz Kurek during the match Liga Narodów Australia-Poland 0-3 (16-25, 24-26, 23-25)

He played a good match, but he was unable to lead the team to victory. Bartosz Kurek shined in the meeting with Russia, which makes the rivalry for the place in the team for the World Cup on the position of the attacker blush. – There was no service, continuation, good start of set in our performance. If we raise the bar and impose their style earlier, the result could be different – commented Kurek after a 1: 3 loss to the Russians.

– In these games, it is better to impose pressure from the first set. That they allow us to feel our breath on our backs. Meanwhile, we played very badly in the first game, and they played more relaxed later. It's good that we came back to the game, but not enough. If we start the game better and keep it, we would have a chance to win.

For Kurek, it was the best match of the official season. 23 points and 70% efficiency in the attack against the usual blockbuster Russians is a great achievement.

– You can see by the numbers that my friends helped me, Grzesiek was perfect, the rest helped when I had more difficult balls. This is the result of everyone working in the field. I would prefer that we play better and win, and that individual achievements mean nothing. I do not wonder if it was my best match at the League of Nations. We are thinking rather of creating a team and merging this group, which will show the best side of the most important event of the season – added Kurek

Polish volleyball players are expecting Thursday an extremely difficult match with the Americans for the semifinal. Even victory should not guarantee a place in the NL at four, much can also depend on the last match of Group B, between the USA and Russia.

tyoutu- I hope that against the US we will show what happened in the third set against Russia. It will be even more difficult, but usually the second games are a little better. May we play volleyball from the beginning, show high level and see if the Americans will be able to defeat us – summary Kurek

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