Fires garbage deposits. Brussels to examine situation in Poland


  In the fire of Zgierz, 50,000 people were burned various types of precipitation
Fot. Lukasz Szelag / REPORTER

In the Zgierz fire, 50,000 people were burned Different types of precipitation

The European Commission will monitor the problem of waste fires in Poland. In this way, she reacted to an article in The Telegraph, which describes the problem of the junk mafia in Poland. Brussels stresses that the enforcement of the law is the task of the Polish authorities.

The Sunday edition of the British "The Telegraph" describes the activity of the rebel mafias, who are earning millions, bringing waste from Britain to Poland. Reporter James Rothwell in a Zgierz report wrote that garbage dumps are deliberately set on fire.

The article was reacted by the European Commission. "We have noted with concern reports about alleged illegal recycling in some member countries," said EC spokesman Enrico Brivio at a press conference Monday in Brussels

The European Commission has indicated that it does not deal with prosecution. – We do not have police, that's what the Member States do. We follow, of course, the implementation of European law – said Margaritis Schinas of the press service of the Commission

Brussels acknowledges that the problem has worsened after China banned imports of plastic for recycling in January. The export of waste was then redirected to other countries, including Poland.

According to The Telegraph, Poland is currently the sixth largest recipient of British waste in the world and the second largest in Europe. In Poland it is 12 000. Tons of plastic

As we wrote in, you can get more than 200 PLN per ton of waste from the West. 50 thousand The tons burned in a big fire in Zgierz is 11 million PLN profit on a clean basis. Ashes after the waste are no longer processed and it is their subsequent processing that is the most expensive and the most laborious in this business.

In this situation, there is no shortage of companies that download garbage in Poland, which the Chinese do not want anymore. Even Australians pay to send them to us. Nearly one million tonnes of waste we import can be used to generate more than 200 million PLN per year.

The beginnings of junk food in this criminal model are not difficult either. Just a piece of dehydrated land, non-binding opinion of sanepidu and the consent of local authorities. Just earn about 200 PLN for every ton of garbage accepted. Cases would be less profitable if they were to be processed.

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