Flying ants are already everywhere in Poland. "It's hard to wade in swarms of insects"


Flying ants are really common wholesalers. The species is one of the most common in Europe and meets in large numbers even in the centers of large cities.

Flying ants. What are they from?

Wholesalers usually reside in underground nests, but leave them during the mating season. It starts now, ie in late July and August. Insects prepare for mating flight and swarms take flight from nests, disturbing city dwellers

They look like flying ants. They do not kiss, but there are so many that it is difficult to cross these swarms – say residents of Chorzów in an interview with "Dziennik Zachodni".

On the closed group "Theoretically yes – group of prosecutors" on A post appeared on Facebook, with comments that confirmed the problem of other cities.

In Piotrków this weekend, he was also full of them.

Poznañ has the same problem today! [19659007] Krakow. In the last two weeks, this model was filled with sidewalks

Today, in Gdańsk, many insects similar to that of the photo have appeared. Plague has covered the city

Can flying ants harm?

As reported by Dziennik Zachodni, naturalists point out that ants are not poisonous and do not threaten our health. It is true that they are forgivable, but the good news is that soon the phenomenon will pass and will not come back until next year.

How to get rid of flying ants from the apartment?

The simplest way to fly insects, who are happy to visit our apartments in search of food, is to mount a protective grid in the windows of the so-called. nets. Usually it is easy to assemble and reusable, so after the period of the greatest invasion of insects, you can easily remove it and hide it for a year.

In addition, we can try to spray windows with special indoor honey preparations on plates, in which hungry insects will quickly drown. Ants also dissuade salt and vinegar very well

Myk for ecological protection against ticks. Your pet will be grateful

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