Flying ants in Katowice, Chorzów and Sosnowiec is a plague. Every summer in the air? They are wholesalers during the breeding season


The flying ants

The inhabitants claim that the insects look like flying ants

– They do not bite, but they are so numerous that it is difficult to break through these swarms – they pay attention [19659004]. not only the editors of DZ, they turned to this problem.

– Today, we had a request from one of the residents who spoke about the plague of insects. The guards checked and confirmed that they were insects that looked like flying ants, but there was no question of excess – we heard in the guard of the city of Chorzów.

Every summer in the air?

And most likely they are flying ants, so-called wholesalers

We survived the first attack of swarms of flying ants on Friday, June 30th. Then it was a little colder and the insects did not appear. More flying ants appeared on Thursday, July 5th.

They are full in the streets and on the sidewalks. They entangle in the hair and fall behind necklaces. When we leave the window ajar, the flying ants fly en masse into the plains

The months of June and July is the period during which they fly underground nests for the time being. swarm, or flight of mating. They are males and females, future queens. During mating flight, fertilization occurs, after which males are killed, and females seek a place for a new nest. Naturalists confirm that they can actually be found in large quantities during the holiday season. However, there is nothing to fear, although these insects are annoying.


KIBIC Sports Magazine by Dziennik Zachodniegoo Mundial 2018

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