Following KNF scandals. Morawiecki started to clean


Morawiecki finally decided to take concrete action in the KNF case. According to media reports, President Kaczyński himself has asked him to clean up the mess that has just been created.

Morawiecki, along with other political leaders of the PiS, must strive to regain credibility in the eyes of many Poles. All thanks to the KNF scandal that broke out in mid-November. At this point, many people have started to say that it was one of the most important corruption scandals in the history of our country. In addition, the KNF scandal began to be compared to the one related to Amber Gold. However, Prime Minister Morawiecki has now taken steps to bring order to the business.

Morawiecki goes to action

The Prime Minister already wanted to make significant changes to the state-owned companies for some time, but his enthusiasm has been considerably hampered by the former head of the Polish Financial Supervisory Authority and the president of the NBP, who remain allied with Ziobro and SKOK.

Now, however, the distribution of power in the world of Polish finance has changed considerably because of the KNF scandal, which we still hear about. All this thanks to the amendment of the law that hit the Coordination Department of the Legislative Process of the Prime Minister's Chancellery on November 19th.

According to this project, Mateusz Morawiecki will obtain the supervision of 60 state-owned companies, which until now were beyond his control. The Prime Minister has already taken the first steps to introduce a new order in the financial structures.



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This is the appointment of Jacek Jastrzębski as head of the Financial Supervisory Authority, a close associate of Morawiecki. Moreover, in the light of future changes, the Prime Minister will be able to equip his people with state-owned companies, which will give him absolute control over these institutions.

Everything seems to indicate that Morawiecki's position in the current power will increase even more. However, the Prime Minister could significantly hinder the ability to fill your positions in key positions. This provision introduces an optional requirement for all persons wishing to sit on the supervisory board of state-owned businesses and who holds a postgraduate degree in MBA. as well as the CFA certificate.


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