For the death of his father, who poisoned his son, the family courts are guilty !? "You have blood on your hands"


The whole of Poland has spoken of this tragedy! Last week, Tomasz M., 35, went with his two children to Colorado, Bemowo, Warsaw. At one point, he and his 4 year old son went to the bathroom, where he gave poison to the child. Father and son died on the spot, the girls were unlucky. The mother of the children, Justyna, had already warned everyone against a dangerous partner! And although the Poles have already sentenced the father of the child for a widened suicide, the opinion of the association is different. Brave dad. Their words are shocking …!

The brave dad defends Tomasz M., who is poisoned with his son

association Brave dad defends the right of fathers to take care of children. When a tragedy occurred in Bemowo a few days ago, they published their position on it in their profile. They put, among others link to the article Polsat News by signing it: "Behind everything are Ziobro and Patryk Jaki" and then started a series of entries "in defense of Tomasz M.".

"The history of Tomek – we do not judge his actions.We believe that the family courts have contributed to the crime.We hope that what happened will change the law and introduce alternative care.The prosecution should find out if a third party is involved in this crime! ", read another message.

The association adds that she is fighting for the child to have equal parents: – daddy for 180 days and mom also for 180 days. "All those who hate the fathers' struggle for their rights have blood on their hands – you do not give Tom M. the care of alternating the blood on your hands," they write.

According to the organization, mothers are guilty of many tragedies in their homes. "To all those who so easily judge Tomasz M., we remind you that in Polish hospitals, as a result of an abortion, the" mothers "kill 1,000 children a year, in accordance with the constitution! to know which institution or which third party led to this terrible crime.The courts, or maybe they were poisoned? ", we quote another shocking entry.

the words Brave father the surfers were very outraged. However, the association does not intend to change position. One of the fathers took part in a lively discussion under the messages. "When I divorced and took my son away from me, I thought it was the end of the world.I was desperately needed to catch fire and set fire to the child's rights advocate for it to end my unequal fight, but never, I've never had the idea to hurt my child, "wrote Mr. Darek.

He did not have to wait long to get the answer. "He gave this life and took it." And if Darek was so hanged and had left his son – if you knew that his mother would abuse him all his life – we do not know what's wrong. went to the end, "says the association. And he adds that he is looking for guilty crimes and that family courts should be tried.

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