Frans Timmermans succeeds – instead of sanctions, gentle persuasion


Our favorite, the first vice-president of the European Commission, Frans Timmermans, has again given the floor. But this time, it is so miserable, uncertain and even conciliatory. That does not mean that it will not change the tone and it will not do us any more, because it has been used for almost three years. He has just given an interview to the British liberal daily on the economic profile of the Financial Times. And he told him that the dispute between the European Commission and Poland on the rule of law is, in a way, part of a larger whole, "is part of a broader phenomenon in Europe and the European Union in smaller blocks ". Well, let 's finally get to the Dutchman that in other EU countries, it' s also a "law – abiding", probably because more and more European countries have the same. intend to follow their own independent law, not Brussels. Still in the area of ​​immigrant resettlement. And Timmermans does not know how to fight it, because "nothing is obvious, neither democracy, nor the respect of human rights, nor the tripartite power". And, apparently, he comes to the conclusion that the methods of exerting pressure on the EU member states of removing subsidies for insubordination against EU legal standards, drawn from the finger Dirty deputy Verhofstadt or Juncker's knee, do not work. As nations have recently been guided by their own interests and take an example of the powers of the EU, Germany and France, who are allowed to do anything, including violations of their own legality, European and international. That Merkel behaves legally, invites millions of immigrants without asking permission from the rest of the EU countries and insists on Nord Stream II, against the interests of the community, and advises President Macron beating the Student, for whom he should be arrested and sentenced. And he was suspended only for 15 days. Do socialist authorities in Sweden respect the law by acquitting four immigrants who committed brutal and massive rape?

The authorities of these states do not necessarily adhere to the principles of democracy, but rather to the principles of "liberal democracy" that spread chaos and anarchy. And it is hardly surprising that Timmermans' statement that Jaroslaw Kaczynski has not taken over the actions of the European Commission, can conclude that the current Polish government respects the principles of democracy based on the will of the people or the ruler who voted majority for the PiS. his power. The same ruler demands a reform of the judicial system in Poland. 80% of citizens opted for reform. Of course, Frans Timmermans knows everything, but he does not know what to do with it. If and how to punish the Polish government, and thus the Polish nation, for independent reforms of Brussels, which serve the citizens but not the discredited legal establishment. And he concludes: " Jarosław Kaczyński and PiS have not taken over the actions of the European Commission. It will be better to demand sanctions from the Polish government. "

As a result, the foreigner gives up, only the street has the power of several hundred people of the CODE, Citizens of the Republic of Poland, a few feminists, who are constantly striking and several deputies, mainly deputies. Is the political hooliganism.With the spiritual support of two witches, the writers Maria Nurowska and the director Agnieszka Holland, who believe in the magical power of voodoo.The writer Nurowska had just made a doll for the deputy Stanisław Piotrowicz , in which she pinned a lapel pin, both with the wish that Piotrowicz get a shot or paralysis.

Timmermans will not go far with such miserable and ridiculous support. Feeling a defeat in the fight against the Polish nation and other nations, Mr. Frans seems to have succumbed to and suggests gentle persuasion.The Brussels establishment has also succumbed, which eventually realized more. Especially in the new Europe, where – as Timmermans has noted – communities are attached to the EU, although the actions of their politicians do not confirm it. This is bad luck!

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