Funeral of Andrzej Gmitruk. Report of the ceremony [ZDJĘCIA]


Funeral of Andrzej Gmitruk

Funeral of Andrzej Gmitruk

The death of Andrzej Gmitruk has been a shock to the entire boxing community. One of the greatest coaches in the history of this sport left on November 20th. The cause of death was acute circulatory and respiratory failure caused by cardiac arrhythmia. The famous coach was 67 years old. The funeral of Andrzej Gmitruk will take place on Thursday afternoon.

Unfortunately, the news of the death of the coach was announced on Tuesday morning, November 20th. In the house of Gmitruka in Hipolitów, a fire broke out and the coach was found dead. According to preliminary reports, the victim, aged 67, died in a fire, but the autopsy showed that the death was due to heart problems.

This information shook the entire environment of boxing in Poland. Gmitruk spoke of many boxers with Tomasz Adamek and Andrzej Gołota at the helm. Until recently, we could see the coach at the corner of Artur Szpilka, during the fight with Mariusz Wach. Bereavement had even prevailed in Norway, where he had trained in the 1980s and 1990s.

The funeral is scheduled for Thursday at 1:10 pm at the church dedicated to Our Lady of Częstochowa, the parish of Saint. Wincentego a Paulo in Warsaw at ul. Saint Vincent 81 (brick church). The funeral will be held directly after Mass at Brodno Cemetery. The print will be buried in the grave of the family.

The funeral is scheduled for Thursday at 1:10 pm at the church dedicated to Our Lady of Częstochowa, the parish of Saint. Wincentego a Paulo in Warsaw at ul. Saint Vincent 81 (brick church). The funeral will be held directly after Mass at Brodno Cemetery. The print will be buried in the grave of the family.

Funeral of Andrzej Gmytruk – relation (new entries after refreshing the page or pressing F5):

12:55 pm Thursday, November 29 will be a very sad day for Polish boxing. In the church dedicated to Our Lady of Częstochowa in Warsaw, the funeral of one of the greatest Polish coaches of this sport, Andrzej Gmitruka, will take place. The coach passed away on Tuesday, November 20th.

1:00 p.m. – The tragedy occurred at Gmitruka's house in Hipolitów. Tuesday morning, they learned of the existence of a fire in the apartment. Later, it turned out that the terrace table was lit. Aged 67, he lit a candle for his dead son. At night, he took care of the furniture and a fire broke out. There are many indications that Gmitruk tried to extinguish the flames without his heart being able to withstand it. The autopsy shows that circulatory and acute respiratory insufficiencies were caused by cardiac arrhythmias.

13:03 – The environment of boxing has plunged into mourning. Condolences were even presented by the Norwegian Boxing Federation, where Gmitruk worked in the '80s and' 90s. A delegation from that country will be attending the funeral ceremony of today. Artur Szpilka could not believe the death of the coach, who cooperated for a while with a remarkable coach.

13h06 – Crowds of fans appeared at the funeral. There were also people with whom Gmitruk had cooperated. They are Zbigniew Raubo, Dariusz Michalczewski, Artur Szpilka, Izu Ugonoh and Maciej Sulęcki. The last three brought a crown.

1:10 pm – So, Andrzej Gmitruk remembered Andrzej Kostyra:

1:15 pm – The death of Gmytruk was a surprise for everyone. The coach orphaned his daughter Emme, aged 5, and left his wife Agnieszka. The fans did not remain passive in the face of this tragedy. The collection of money for the family of the deceased started immediately on the Internet.

13h20 – President Andrzej Duda awarded the Polonia Restituta order officer's cross to Gmitruk. It is the second civilian civilian in terms of seniority. Broadcast for outstanding achievements in the fields of education, science, sport, culture, arts, economics, national defense, social activity, service public and the development of good relations with other countries.

13:30 – Andrzej, you have often told players to keep their throats. Jesus also teaches you to keep your guard because you never know when he will come. Now, unexpectedly, he came to you – Said the priest who leads the mass. The priest is a friend of the family and has traveled 300 kilometers to conduct Mass.

Funeral of Andrzej Gmitruk

Author: Super Express
Funeral of Andrzej Gmitruk

1:35 pm – Those who give all their heart and their passion often have nothing in return. Today, it is difficult for such disinterestedness. You Andrzej, you were like that – the priest continues.

13:51 – Minister of Sport and Tourism Witold Bańka also attended the funeral.

Funeral of Andrzej Gmitruk

Funeral of Andrzej Gmitruk

14h15 – Mass has ended. The funeral procession will now pass to the family grave of Gmytruków, where will rest an outstanding coach.

14h20 – Several hundred people are present at the funeral.

Funeral of Andrzej Gmitruk

Author: Super Express
Funeral of Andrzej Gmitruk

14h30 – Among the people present at the funeral, there are not only those associated with the world of boxing. Gmytruka also bids farewell to Jerzy Engel, former coach of the Polish national football team, and Janusz Basałaj, director of the PZPN's communication and media department.

14h40 – Our life looks like a boxing fight. We give shots, we avoid them. Day after day, by turns. In the end, we have the last trick with the toughest opponent, death. The opponent carries unexpected hits. Sometimes the game is not fair and each of us will lose it. He will fall on the boards and will not go up. With this opponent, you can not win, but you can fight beautifully. Just like Andrzej Gmitruk – said Minister Banka.

3:11 p.m. – During Andrzej Gmitruk's last trip, the sounds of Frank Sinatra's famous song "My Way" came from the speakers.

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