Gawkowski about the former head of the Polish financial supervisory authority: I saw him at the Singapore airport. He was killed psychologically political


On the night of Wednesday to Thursday, the former head of the KNF, Marek Chrzanowski (consented to the publication of the first and last names), was arrested for three months by decision of the Katowice Regional Court. Earlier, he had also heard the prosecutor's allegations regarding the abuse of power.

On November 13, Gazeta Wyborcza wrote that Chrzanowski, in a conversation with the owner of Getin Bank, Leszek Czarnecki, was to offer the institution a favor of about 40 million zlotys. On the day of the publication of the text, the head of the Financial Supervisory Commission was on a business trip to Singapore. However, he quickly returned home. The same day, he resigned.

"Like a man nailed to the wall"

Krzysztof Gawkowski, until recently vice president of the SLD, and now collaborator of Robert Biedron, admitted in Polsat News' "Policy on the Hard" program that he had flown the same plane as Marek Chrzanowski.

I saw him sitting sideways, in the corner, tired, overwhelmed and mentally ridden in the plane. I saw it, I was there

– said Gawkowski.

He added that he did not know if during a phone conversation in Singapore, Chrzanowski had resigned.

I do not know if it was this conversation, I saw him sitting in a corner and talking to a lot of people, so I saw that he looked like a man who was already nailed to the wall, how was he sitting

– the deputy head of SLD said.

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