Gen. Mieczys³aw Gocu³ on "a great shame" at the time of Antoni Macierewicz political


General Mieczysław Gocu³ in 2013-17 was the most important soldier in Poland, the chief of the General Staff. He was part of the group of nearly 30 generals and more than 250 colonies who, after taking over the leadership of the Ministry of Defense by Antoni Macierewicz, left the service

"I resigned on July 4, 2016 symbolically Independence Day of the United States in Warsaw, it was July 8 to 9, but I did not see the possibility of keeping the words of a military scourge, "says the General Gocu³ in an interview for the weekly Polityka (19659003). Resist the shame of my superiors abroad, undermine the effort of long years

– confesses the general

A Question of Marek Rozwczyński of "Polityka" on the biggest shame, General Mieczys³aw Gocu³ speaks of two "The fact that we were expelled from the meeting pre-meeting with the US Secretary of Defense in Brussels, after a courtesy hand in the hallway, against Polish flags and has Americans, who was exposed later in all their television spots from the Department of National Defense associated with the NATO summit, Defense Secretary Ashton Carter entered the US room, followed by the minister and me – and we were not allowed to enter. In the hallway, an assistant minister said: no meeting, please leave. There were a lot of people, maybe a hundred, all over the hall. I felt like a beaten dog "- 1965

This meeting with the German Defense Minister Ursul von der Leyen, where the Minister laid down the conditions for enhanced cooperation with the l & # 39; Germany – to solve the issue of the Polish minority Germany, which according to him has not been taken into account since the Second World War, mentioned Goebbels and 1945. The embarrassment of the Minister and of his delegation was indescribable, and after this meeting I approached the minister, I tried to calm myself In my opinion, this is not a common social sentiment in Poland

– says an officer Military

The general reveals that he met President Andrzej Duda just before his departure, who asked him to evaluate international relations

"I replied that I am unable to to repeat to him some things, because it is not appropriate to quote them in the Pres He asked if it was Goebbels and von der Leyen. It's the president of the General Staff who has come to the president, "recalls the former chief of the General Staff

An earthquake in the # Polish army: successive resignations, the president is calm

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