George Russell evaluated Tuesday's tests. "Maybe Robert will have more opinions"


"It's hard for me to judge Williams' car because I have little experience." Robert will likely have more opinions – as described by Tuesday's test on the track. in Abu Dhabi by George Russell, partner of Robert Kubica's team during the 2019 season.

Łukasz Kuczera

Łukasz Kuczera

Press material
/ Williams
In the photo: George Russell

George Russell appeared on Yas Marina's runway Tuesday morning as one of the first pilots. The 20-year-old, who will make his Formula 1 debut next year, did not want to waste time getting acquainted with Williams' car. The pilot of King's Lynn finished the morning session with a time of 1: 39,512.

"It's hard for me to judge Williams' car because everyone is different … Until now, I had the opportunity to drive only Mercedes and Force India vehicles." Robert has more experience in this area and I think he will have more opinions on this topic, "Russell said during a conversation with reporters.

The result obtained by the 20-year-old is better than Lance Stroll and Sergei Sirotkin got Friday and Saturday. – The feelings are positive. Williams works the same way as Mercedes or Force India. I knew what to expect and everything happened as I imagined – he added.

Russell does not hide, however, that he has had driving problems. – During the first two trips, the balance was not what I expected. However, we changed the settings and this solved the problem. I felt more confident in the car right away. I had to feel it and discover its limits. It is very important for the driver to trust the machine. I would describe the first morning with Williams as wonderful. There were no problems and we collected a lot of information – the British betrayed.

The new Williams player emphasized that it was very important for him to work with Robert Kubica in the same direction. – I do not know which engineer to work with. However, Williams is a very open team. It is not that anyone works exclusively for Russell or Kubica. We create unity. I am confident that together we will do something good for this team – he concluded.

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