Germany "captivates Russia" for energy, Trump's claims


In accusing Germany of being under the sway of Moscow, Mr. Trump seemed to be trying to deflect criticism that he is too accommodating to Russian President Vladimir V. Putin , that he meets Monday in Helsinki, Finland, suggested Derek Chollet, former deputy secretary of defense who is currently working for the German Marshall Fund in Washington

"It's like starting a match on the kindling, since Germany was anticipating something like this after the Group of 7's meeting in Canada. Trump laughed the same way, but privately, said Mr. Chollet. "Trump came out of his way at his first meeting to send this unprovoked attack."

Mr. Trump and Merkel spoke later at a bilateral meeting that lasted an hour, and they seemed to be cordial, even though we know that they have a tense relationship.

Merkel, based on facts and without emotion, was a strong ally of President Barack Obama, which is a source of friction with Mr. Trump. German officials say that when the two leaders speak on the phone, Mr. Trump initially harangues her about military spending and the trade surplus almost before the usual jokes and the main stuff of the appeal.

very good relationship with the Chancellor, we have a great relationship with Germany, "said Mr. Trump." We are having a good meeting. We are talking about military spending, we are talking about trade. Noting "the huge success" of Germany, Mr Trump added: "And I believe that our business will increase and a lot of other things will increase, but we will see what" [19659002] When asked if the pipeline issue had been raised, Mr. Trump replied in the affirmative. For her part, Mrs. Merkel was non-frontal. "I am pleased to have this opportunity to be here for this exchange of views," she said, which extended to the economy, to migrations and "l & # 39; 39, the future of our commercial relations ". She concluded: "We are partners, we are good partners and wish to continue cooperating in the future."

Trump announced his intention to read the Riot Act to NATO allies about military spending, calling the Americans "the schmucks who pay for everything" and promising last week: "I'll tell NATO – you have to start paying your bills." The United States is not going to be safe. take care of everything. "

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