GetBack had access to the protected database. He looked in the PESEL register


  The problems of GetBack increased when it became apparent that the company's communication was false

GetBack was noisy when it appeared that the communication of the company was false

Access to the PESEL database is limited to: ABW, CBA and police, parquet , courts, treasury and other institutions specified in the public regulations. The opening for GetBeck is a precedent – writes Rzeczpospolita.

GetBack had an overview of Polish addresses from the protected database with the decision of the head of the Ministry of the Interior in 2015.

See also: Lawyers, consulting companies and even security guards. We've seen documents – everyone lost on GetBack

It's not easy to access a strictly protected PESEL registry containing sensitive data from Poles. In fact, only a few institutions can examine it, eg ABW, CBA and police, prosecutor's office, courts, treasure – note the daily

External institutions, such as banks or insurance companies must indicate a legal interest, and therefore access to the registry the condition to obtain the written consent of the person to whom the data relate – explains Rz

See also. Financial spokesman in the GetBack case: banks deceive customers:

See also: The NIK is in favor of GetBack. Will check the activity of state institutions

As the paper suggests, the uniqueness of the decision granting access GetBack may indicate that even for two decades the company Kruk SA does not have any business. did not obtain this permission from the Minister, although she requested it. ] See also: The overwhelming magnitude of the GetBack case. We know who blew up millions

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