GIS warns against bacteria in food eggs


The Chief Sanitary Inspectorate warns against salmonella enteritidis, which has been detected in consumer eggs with an identification code: 3PL26111314. The GIS informs that the consumption of eggs from this part can be dangerous for health.

The warning relates to the product "Weighted cage eggs" M ".These were produced by Zakład Pakowania Jaj Fermy Prób Niedzczas Tomasz Niewczas of Tychów Nowego.The identification code on the eggshell is: 3PL26111314.

These eggs have shelf life until July 23, 2018 and July 24, 2018. The batch of eggs interviewed (No. 23/07/2018) was produced on June 25th (date of lay), and the producer took over the eggs that were removed on June 26th (part # 24/07/2018).

Egg Poultry Packaging Niewczas Tomasz Niewczas informs consumers of the withdrawal of the product and the possibility of returning it to the place of purchase. In addition, the manufacturer has also announced measures to determine the cause of the threat to health.

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Eggs removed from circulation will be sent for recycling. This process is supervised by the authorities of the Veterinary Inspectorate and the State Sanitary Inspectorate.

GIS warns that eggs should not be consumed with the group numbers indicated in the communication, especially raw, because of the potential risk to health.

PAP / Karolina Kropiwiec / OP

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