give life he will take away


The Polish imagination that fathers fight for the right to take care of children and a model of Boguslaw Linda in the movie "Dad". It was late in the 1990s, Linda, at the top of the saw, will play a father who, to take care of Crk, fights against the sick and against the excesses. The father may be clumsy, rude, perhaps not quite familiar with the child's manual, but he likes to stay beyond life.

We looked at the unjust DD and Lind, who would like to ask for a punishment for not punishing him and pissing him off for kidnapping. – Do not destroy what we managed to build with Kasia, because I can still stand it, but she … For her, it will be something that she will not understand. He has a father who loves him more than anything in the world, "he says.

There is no doubt that such stories occur. Statistically, in the vast majority of cases, custody of children after divorce is the responsibility of mothers or alternates. Fathers are only allowed to look after their children in a few percent of cases. But although "Papa" is a small piece of Polish cinematography and a very moving film, it certainly does not give a real picture of the fight for the child and the defense of the rights of wounded fathers. The most important association of this type represents these people arbitrarily – Dzielny Dad, who, during the tragedy in one of Warsaw's gambling halls, showed his worst pathological face.

Suicide extended in the game room

The Tomasz M. case has been running for a month. A man claims that his mother isolates children. Mother, in turn, that her father poses a threat to them. It is not without reason that Mr kidnaps the modest son several times, following which proceedings were instituted against him and the sight of me is held in the presence of the probation officer. During a kidnapping, he and his child are entangled in the roof of a high building and he threatens to get hurt and hurt himself. That's what happened – during outings with the child and despite the curator's presence, he will take his four-year-old son to the restroom, where he will poison himself.

Tomasz M. immediately became the gallant of the brave dad. In an official communication to the media, activists wrote about the blunder, the thinking, the need to prevent tragedies, lessons learned and not to look for the culprits. But this is only a powder facade. The real face is the other soup.

Even assuming that a man would be the victim of an immense injustice, that he would not send his partner, but that he is suffering from his lack of contact with children, he is difficult to find a justification for the murder of his own child and it is difficult not to condemn him. Brave fathers, however, say that "do not judge his actions" and – although they do not seek the culprits – accuse, among others, family sins, Zbigniew Ziobr and Patryk Jakiego.

"Look, it'll take them"

the death of the father and the son is used by the association for its own purposes, especially to … fight against the right to abortion. "To all those who so easily assimilate Tomasz M., we remind you that in Polish hospitals following an abortion," mother "kills according to the CONSTITUTE 1000 children per year! The question is which institution or which third party is responsible for this terrible crime … SDY, or maybe they've been poisoned? "- we read about the Facebook profile of the organization. The entry, like other comments on Mr., contains a hashtag "stop killing children" in this context. When one of the commentators opposes this odd analogy, he gets the following answer: "wypier …. j z D[zielnego] T[aty] as you do not know that life begins with a design! ".

In the comments, the association defends its claims. Opponents suggest that – I remember the owl not looking for guilt – "they have blood on their hands". He writes that "in Poland the family is being destroyed" and that it is "the Holocaust of the Poles", and whoever is watching TVN "this in .. the pie would see … "(this is a reference to TVN's" Notes "report The family of Mr., published a few days before the tragedy).

The last argument appears under the comments of the member of the organization, who describes his antecedents of struggle for the right to care, but he acknowledges that he "would never hurt himself, never hurt his head to make harm to the child ". "It will take them and carry them away," says the administrator of Dzielny Papa's website. Comment, not difficult to guess, how long it will disappear.

The women are "kamchatka" and "harpy"

What is Dzielny Data Organization? If you want to follow the description posted on Facebook, you can say that it is mainly about defamation towards mothers and women in general. We read here that "the children of today are buried in the marrow of the church, the smallest ones, deprived of any moral and ethical principle, frame fathers and men without blinking to the pedophiles, the harassment, the domestic violence, to family and other animals to get a divorce, so she needs not only child support, but also for herself (until the end of her life) ".

In Sdach, however, despite the fact that judges and lawyers know exactly (and give instructions to women to supervise them), there is a conspiracy of silence. Babies are treated like spiritual cows, as "poor and aggrieved Polish mothers," who have nothing to do with such an image. This is a benevolent, contradictory principle: Destroy yourself (it's the father of a child or partner) – HARPIE

– a piece of the manifesto heals [pisownia oryginalna – red.].

The board of directors of the association is composed of three men: Micha Fabisiak, Erwin Baewicz and Zenon Nowak. The first is extremely active in social media. In the past few days, he will make a dozen anti-Semitic entries, including some racist and homophobic. A silence of a child.

Fathers, organize a party

The latter is in turn an orchestral man. In early 2015, along with two other people, he founded the role of Dzielny Tata, of which he became president and presidential candidate. In the postulates of the party, battles against the discrimination of fathers were registered, an aid to the victims of "the injustice of the sdw", but an opposition to the "sale of national assets".

If the name of Nowak appeared on the ballot, he should present 100,000 signatures for his candidacy. To bring them together is an easy task. Thus, two months before the first round of elections, Nowak will support Janusz Korwin-Mikke. Since then, Zbigniew Nowak has been acting as a journalist. A microphone bearing the logo "Studio ZN" (this is the name of his channel on YouTube) is scrolling in the corridors and the demonstrations of Parliament. In 2017, at the request of the founders, the parties of Dzielny Tata were removed from the register of political parties.

Alimony – Fathers of the Holocaust

About Dzielnym Papa was already bent at the end of 2016 when activists released a photocopy of photos of the gates of the Auschwitz concentration camp. Instead of the slogan "arbeit macht frei", "work on alimony makes you free" appeared. Rzd announces that alimankers will work for a long time in public works. "Do not you see that they are going to kill our children – now I am going to force them to work, and that is no different from Hitler's labor camps" – they have been outraged.

Activists also claimed that the alimony system was "Judaism of the 21st century – just a land, a country, a country". Meanwhile, apart from the anti-Semitic inscription, statistics indicate that one million Polish children do not receive alimony (children's infidelities exceed 10 billion zlotys) and 96%. non-parents are fathers.

Give, he will not look

Father, mortally poisoning and a four year old son. It is a murder and not – as convinced brave fathers – "was pushed to the extreme" or "at a desperate pace".

Killing a child is not a "last resort", an act that no one should consider, let alone be justified. Boguslaw Linda in the movie "Daddy" tells her: "When you say that I love you, it means the mist will give you life." Give, not pick up.

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