Google surprises with results. Despite the huge punishment


  The owner of the Google search engine has taken into account the penalty imposed by the EC, but the results are better than expected.
Fig. Google

The owner of the Google search engine has included the penalty imposed by the EC, but the results are better than expected.

Alphabet – the owner of Google – has earned more in the second quarter of this year than expected: $ 3.2 billion. It's a little less than a year ago. The company included in the report a huge penalty imposed by the European Commission.
Earnings per share excluding the EU penalty amounted to USD 11.75. against expected $ 9.54 Earnings after deduction of penalties is $ 4.54 per share, compared to $ 5.01 a year ago when – as recalled site – Google also received a Huge penalty of the EC.

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In July, the European Commission fined Google $ 4.34 billion for violating antitrust laws of the EU. Brussels did not like the way Google promotes its search engine and browser on Android mobile devices – the operating system that's behind it.

The sanction was approved after the end of the second quarter, but the Alphabet had already signaled that it would need attention in this financial report and that's what it did.

Google's net profits declined by about $ 300 million compared to the second quarter of last year.

Investors adopted the Alphabet results with optimism. In post-literate quotes, the Alphabet shares sometimes gained up to 5%. This potential course has reached the highest level of history. That added about $ 50 billion to the company's capitalization. Its market value was close to $ 1 trillion ($ 875 billion), joining the race in which Amazon and Apple compete.

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In addition, revenues that reached $ 32.66 billion were better than expected – by 26%. more than a year ago. The majority of them – 86 percent. – comes from the Google advertising industry. The average income of a "click" in Google ads has dropped by 22% due to lower prices for mobile ads. On the other hand, the number of "clicks" in Google ads has increased by 58%. compared to last year.

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