Government wants to get rid of wind farms


On Wednesday, the government signed a contract with investors for the construction of several hundred new wind turbines (about 1 GW of power). The prices offered by investors, after which they pledged to sell electricity, averaged less than PLN 197 / MWh. This is less than the current price of energy on the market (250 PLN / MWh) and much cheaper than the total cost of production of new coal-fired power plants (350 PLN / MWh).

On Friday, the Ministry of Energy presented the draft Polish energy policy, which shows that all existing wind turbines will be dismantled by 2035 and those that the government has just contracted a few years later. No other windmill will appear in their place.

Interestingly, the ministry is planning the last wind turbine auction next year. According to the Minister's statement, contract entities can receive about 1.5 GW of energy. However, after aging, these wind turbines will be irretrievably removed from the landscape and the armed land below will be used for other purposes.
While Western Europe has invested over the years in this technology to reduce its costs and – to replace older wind turbines with many new generation of more efficient and more efficient new generation wind turbines – Poland is the only country of the continent to predict the total elimination of this technology and to calculate the losses. all the infrastructure that will remain after the turbines removed.

Government dispute over windmills

– The decline in wind power is due to our political commitments – he explained by presenting the project "Energy Policy of Poland to 2040", the Minister of Energy, Krzysztof Tchórzewski .

The commitments he mentioned are political promises made by some members of the law and justice. The opposition of the Vice President of Law and Justice and the Minister of National Education, Anna Zalewska, is of particular importance. Being in opposition, she informally represented the voice of organizations opposed to the construction of wind turbines near their place of residence. According to the Polish Academy of Sciences, less than 2% are settled in Lower Silesia. Of all the wind turbines in Poland, 9 of the 102 social conflicts identified by the PAN around wind turbine construction (they covered a total of 4% of the country's municipalities) took place in the region of the MP's deputy. Zalewska.

Civic energy. The future of energy is every one of us

Minister Zalewska also participated in anti-investment rallies, together with Marcin Przychodzki, founder of the Stop Wiatrakom portal and now director of the Legal Department of the Ministry of Infrastructure, who actually sought to pass legislation to tax wind farms in a higher dimension than, for example, coal-fired power plants. The portal itself called Wednesday's decision the auction of "sly society by the government of Morawiecki" and has long criticized the activities of the Ministry of Energy and the Prime Minister in this regard, calling on the occasion of the withdrawal of Poland from the European Union.

Finally, Parliament, under the influence of the European Commission, withdrew discriminatory tax laws in June, but left a municipality which, despite the warnings, took advantage of the vague law to impose a higher tax and is now obliged to restore it.

tags: energy. current, wind mill, exchange. new. live market

8 minutes ago

him, bzdziuThe revenge of the president.

4 minutes ago

AsiaWe live in a sick country and the decision is schizophrenic

5 minutes ago

hooknext mania a good change, what ……….!

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