Half Lovato at the hospital. She probably overdosed drugs


The 25-year-old singer was transported from her home, near Hollywood Hills, to Cedars Sinai Hospital. According to NBC News, Lovato is conscious and his condition is stable.

Information on the hospitalization of the pop star was given first by TMZ, who claimed that Lovato overdosed heroin. According to NBC News, the first rescuers who were called to the singer's house gave him naloxone.

Demi Lovato spoke openly about her struggle against addiction. In March, she declared that she was celebrating six years of sobriety. However, as NBC News notes in a song last month, he sings, "I'm so sorry I'm no longer sober" and "I promise to seek help" ("I'm really sorry I did not not be sober anymore "," I promise I'll have help ")

Artists and celebrities in social media send words of support to Lovato.

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