Half Lovato at the hospital. The Disney star was supposed to overdose heroin


Half Lovato had a heroin overdose. She arrived at the hospital

According to the American portal "TMZ.com", Demi Lovato went to the hospital after an overdose of Heroine Tuesday morning. After At 23:00, People magazine announced that the condition of the 25-year-old singer has been described as stable.

"TMZ.com" adds that just after the arrival of the ambulance, the artist received Narcan – a drug administered to drug overdose victims. The paramedics had to find Lovato unconscious at home in Hollywood.

At the end of June Demi Lovato unexpectedly unveiled the single "Sober" in which she admitted that she was struggling again with problems. In the new song, he speaks honestly of his return to drinking alcohol.

Demi Lovato is famous for speaking loudly about his problems. During his career, the artist has had many serious health problems. She admitted to having bipolar disorder, mutilations or eating disorders. In an interview, she also revealed that, for the first time, she was thinking about suicide at the age of seven. She also abused alcohol and drugs. After a long struggle with problems, Demi Lovato is actively engaged in charity for the benefit of the sick.

Demi Lovato is not just a singer. The 25-year-old was also known as the star of Disney production. She has starred among others in the television series "Sunny Sonny" and the movie "Camp Rock". The artist also had the opportunity to be a juror in the US edition of the "X Factor" program.

RadioZET.pl/tmz.com, people.com/PK

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