Half Lovato overdosed with methamphetamine? There are new reports!


  Jingle Ball 2017 - Half Lovato

Author: REX / Shutterstock / IS NEWS
Jingle Ball 2017 – Half Lovato

Half Lovato is still in the hospital after a drug overdose. Although heroin was initially spoken, the media reached new information and a lethal substance – methamphetamine. Did she put Half in this state?

The whole world wonders how it happened that Demi Lovato was found unconscious and miraculously survived a drug overdose. This psychological and long-term cause of recent events probably knows only him – you can expect, however, that the depression and nervous breakdown that Demi reported in his latest single Sober . Meanwhile, the media tries to find out what the substances almost led to death Demi Lovato .

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US websites first prescribed a heroin overdose as the reason for the singer's hospitalization. Remember that the star survived because in a short time she received an injection of Narcanu – a drug that suppresses the effects of opioids. However, TMZ quickly denied the theory of heroin. The drug was not found at home Demi Lovato

Service The explosion on the other hand, states that the lethal substance that was used Half Lovato could be methamphetamine. This, however, would not explain the application of Narnian to the star. Methamphetamine is not an opioid, but a stimulant that can lead to heat stroke and organ failure. An overdose of methamphetamine also leads to an increase in blood pressure and therefore to liver failure

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Currently, the most important is that Demi Lovato recovers quickly. Recall that according to the latest reports on the star will not be studied – at home because no drugs have been found.

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