Hamas takes revenge after Israeli raid killed 3 militants


The military wing of Gaza's leaders, Hamas, vowed to avenge themselves after Israeli strikes killed three militants in the latest outbreak of violence

Israel said Wednesday that the artillery was in retaliation for firing on troops along the border. "We announce the raising of the level of readiness to the highest level and alert all our soldiers and forces in every place," said a statement from Al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas' military wing. 19659004] "The enemy will pay a high price in blood for the crime that he commits daily against the rights of our people and our fighters."

The Gaza border was calm on Thursday morning, however.

The three men were on Wednesday, an Israeli artillery shot aimed at a Hamas military base near the Gaza border.

In total, the Israeli army claimed to have hit seven Hamas sites across the Gaza Strip in response to border fire. Projectiles – probably mortars or rockets – were fired at Israel from Gaza during the night, one of which was intercepted by air defense systems

He stated that most were fired on "adjacent territory" at the security fence ".

The latest bloodshed came five days after the UN and Egypt negotiated an agreement to end the July 20 outbreak of violence.

Israel and Hamas have waged three wars since 2008.

Since the end of March, Palestinians have started protesting against the Gaza border, and more than 153 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli gunfire.

Most were shot dead during Israeli demonstrations, clashes or gunfire

An Israeli soldier was killed by sniper fire from Gaza, unleashing a wave of Israeli strikes on July 20th.

An employee of the Palestinian Authority of Electricity inspects a Hamas observation point targeted by an Israeli gunfire in the eastern suburbs of Gaza. The city of Gaza

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