Hawaii bans some sunscreens to protect coral reefs



Hawaii Governor David Ige promulgated a ban on sunscreens that contain two chemicals considered harmful to coral reefs.

Sunscreen containing the two chemicals oxybenzone and octinoxate only be available for those with a prescription. Others will need to buy sunscreens without these chemicals or bring their own sunscreen to Hawaii.

"This is only a small step towards protecting and restoring the resilience of Hawaii's reefs," said Ige. which takes effect in 2021.

Hawaii is the first state to adopt this ban, which aims to protect a vital part of the ocean ecosystem. Coral reefs are also a popular attraction for tourists.

However, critics say that there is not enough evidence to support the claim that chemicals are bad for coral reefs

. will discourage people from buying sunscreen in brick and mortar stores.

Associated Press contributed to this report

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