He abandoned the sexiest place in the world to play the game …


Love stories can be different. Some are happy, others less. This definitely belongs to the second category, and elsewhere is quite absurd. A professional computer player, Douglas "FaZe Censor" Martin has launched his girlfriend, Yanet Garcia, to have more time to play Call of Duty.

"Yanet Garcia is the reason why many Mexicans can not wait for a report on the weather, because it's rain, highs and heights that the owner of one of the best puppies on the planet tells you , you would look at the weather! – We wrote about a beautiful Mexican who is currently following 6.7 million followers on Instagram

Yanet Garcia: Announces the weather, removes the buttocks

There are probably a lot more to men on this planet only on Douglas "FaZe Censor" Martin A 23-year-old professional computer player decided to end the three-year relationship with the sex bomb in a rather unusual and absurd manner.

On his YouTube account, watched by 2.5 million fans, Do uglas publishes a ten-minute video titled "Zerwaliśmy". your decision.

"We are no longer a couple with Yanet, it's a great girl, she deserves all the best, she's beautiful, smart and she was a great couple, I know it's a bit odd to say … but I have to do what I think is good for me, "he explained

What did he judged fair? continuing the professional career of the player in Call of Duty and staying in New York, while Miss Garcia moved to Mexico City, where she must act as an actress and model.

Initially, the couple was trying to distance relations, but Martin said that playing in "CoD" absorbs him so much that he will not be able to visit his other half regularly.

"I signed a contract and some obligations that I have to fulfill. I did not want it, but on the other hand I dreamed of such a career, I want to win the world championship, what I want the most, it 's d & # 39; Being a complete Call of Duty player because I love him so much and I will do anything to become a champion.

He also admitted that he was not able to give his girlfriend as much time and attention as she deserved, which made the only option possible.

Yanet Garcia did not make any statement. She did not record any movie. On her Twitter, she published only the status, consisting of one word: Hearbroken …

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