He drove a tractor to the supermarket in Stalowa Wola


Frightening scenes took place Friday after 9 am just after the market opened. – The tractor crashed into the vestibule and stopped at the second sliding door – tells us Ms. Patrycja from the phone booth, which is right next to the entrance.

The madman turned off the engine and jumped off the tractor. He held a huge ax in his hands. He started demolishing his jewelry store. He destroyed the site and the windows. Then he stood in front of Mrs Patrycja. "He was talking about the family, but I did not understand him completely, I froze like a rock in fear, I think my calmness and my coolness saved me," confides a terrified woman.

Eventually, a madman fired the ax, entered the tractor, retired and entered the city.When the police cars ran to the demolished market, the abuser arrived … under the command of the police.
He tried to break the door with the tractor, but seriously crushed it.It was immediately overpowered

– the man The 24-year-old was sober, but he behaved irrationally, and because of his mental state he was taken to hospital for observation – said Andrzej Walczyna, head of the Poviat police headquarters in Stalowa Wola

A young detainee comes from one of the villages near Stalowa Wola.The old tractor "Vladimir" is his operated in the company with his father. Until now, the man has not been registered before.

The events at Stalowa Wola terrified locals who are freshly remembered by the bloody attack of the cutler from October last year. Then the aggressor fell into another mall, where he injured 9 people, one of them fatally. This time, thankfully, nothing happened to anyone, but the material damage is quite significant.

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