He found a message pushed by Jarosław Kaczyński on the Vistula Spit. "He was returned by Neptune"


Two weeks after the official launch of the Pirze Spit crossing by passersby, they began to report that the red and white poles under mysterious circumstances had disappeared. In response, the Gdynia Maritime Office said that the bar had probably been taken by the sea during a storm, as it had been dug up fairly thinly. Now these assumptions have been confirmed.

Lost post found.

As reported by TVN 24, the lost post left the Baltic Sea a few days ago. He was found by chance by a member of the Navy Office in Sztutowo, near where he was dug up by Jarosław Kaczyński.

Now the post is located in the maritime office. The authorities have not yet dug it out for fear of the rough sea that may have carried it away.

– Due to the fact that the storm season is underway, the post will not be played at the place where it was originally buried – said a spokeswoman for the navy office at Gdynia in an interview with TVN 24.

Kaczyński after stating the message: "We have full sovereignty over these lands"

The insertion ceremony of the last geodesic post marking the boundary of the Mierzeja Wi³lana cut took place on 16 October. Jarosław Kaczyński participated, who personally stung a pigeon, as well as the Minister of the Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation, Marek Gróbarczyk.

– We have full right to complete the implementation process, and with regard to the other documents needed to start construction, this seems like a matter of coming weeks. When construction begins, it will be possible to say that the handle has fallen. The chain will be created – said Jaros³aw Kaczyński at the official opening.

As he added, the purpose of the excavation of the Vistula curve is the economic development of Elbląg, as well as the "absolute sovereignty over these lands". – We will do what Poland needs and no one will be able to stop it – he said.

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