He spent 32 kilometers not being late for work. The price I met


The distance to the company was 38 kilometers, but unexpected help appeared along the way. A police officer in a police car offered him a van and a breakfast. Walter, in total, spent 32 kilometers, he overcame the rest of the distance in the car

This is not the end of surprises. His sense of duty was duly appreciated. When the general manager of the company learned about Carr 's night expedition, he flew to another state to congratulate him personally. In addition, he gave him a gift – his SUV.

A collection was also organized for Carr, so that he could realize his dream and go to the medical school. In six days, nearly 90,000 were collected.

The man moved to Alabama from New Orleans. He and his family left Louisiana after the destructive hurricane Katrina

Source: Reach Address


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