He was killed and killed his son. He had just brought up posters that took away his children. And there was no kidnapping


If it's missing. Although the children are safe and no one has taken them away. The whole story is the result of a dispute – on the merits of a divorce case – about who should look after children. Moreover, the prosecutor's office itself suspected the so-called "parental abduction". Because without the consent of his mother, who takes care of his son and daughter every day, he took them with him. And abroad, as indicated by our information.

The prosecutor's office accused him of stalking and disturbing his home.

He was forbidden to approach the family within 50 meters of situations in which the court would have allowed him to contact children. And these contacts could take place twice a month on weekends in the presence of the curator. The last of these contacts ended tragically. The bodies of Tomasz M. and his son were found in the playroom in Warsaw.

The investigation into this tragedy is being conducted by the Warsaw prosecutor's office. For the moment, we know that the cause of death was a "circulo-respiratory insufficiency". Investigators await the results of the toxicological tests. They must answer the question of whether the cause of death – as suggested by the media – was poisoning.

Let us add that the decision of the Office of the Prosecutor on the prohibition of the reconciliation was not final. Because Tomasz M. is complaining to her in court. On Tuesday, November 27, the court fixed the meeting. But he had to file the case because of the suspect's death.

Both parties to the conflict wrote letters to the authorities of the Wrocław Regional Court. The mother asked the court for help. My father argued that he was being badly treated and that court decisions had forced him to "commit desperate acts". A few days before the tragedy of TVN, it was about the material whose protagonist was the boy's mother. She warned of a possible tragedy and said that the man had regularly kidnapped him and that he was standing on the roof with him.

Although, according to the account of Judge Sylwia Jastrzębska of the Wrocław District Court, it seems that it is not an exit on the roof but only on the terrace. Strictly on the balcony of a skyscraper. Show the child the panorama of Wroclaw. During the divorce case – added the judge – Tomasz M. has been examined by experts. They did not notice any signs of aggression against the children. He was very emotionally connected to them – said the judge. – He was particularly associated with his four-year-old son. In August, the court ruled that the father would take the children on vacation for two weeks. They came back happy. My father felt aggrieved by limiting his contacts with his son and daughter. However, as Judge Jastrzębska stated, this restriction resulted from the charges against the prosecutor.

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