Heat wave in Japan: Thousands of people hospitalized – Why is the heat wave so deadly? | World | New


Record temperatures lasted nearly a week, with mercury reaching 38 ° C or higher in parts of Japan.

The heat wave is expected to last at least until the end of the month, with temperatures skyrocketing each day.

The cities appear to be the most affected, with Tokyo authorities reporting over 3,000 emergency calls in 24 hours – a record one day.

The Japan Meteorological Agency issued advice for residents, urging them to stay hydrated.

Avoiding outdoor exercise and seeing a doctor as soon as a symptom of heat stroke appears is also crucial.

More than 12,000 people were hospitalized because of heat-related problems in the first two weeks of July, according to official figures.

In Kyoto, the recordings were broken because the mercury measured more than 38 ° C for seven consecutive days.

It's the longest since it's started.

A six-year-old boy is the youngest person to be dead because of the heat wave.

He took part in a school trip in hot weather and died of heat stroke.

Authorities warned schools to postpone outdoor activities until the end of the heat wave.

AccuWeather's President and Founder, Dr. Joel N. Myers, said: "AccuWeather estimates that the number of victims of the heat wave in Japan is probably already several hundred, and we expect this to be number will reach "

" The total number of human casualties will never be known, because heat-related death reports are historically inadequate, as not all deaths are correctly attributed to heat, and some are due to heat loss. aggravation of serious health problems, fatalities appear weeks later.

"Older people and those with pre-existing problems, such as asthma and heart failure, are likely to faced with declining health due to the exacerbation of their weather conditions.

"Heat exhaustion and strokes, dehydration, migraines, sleep loss and mood impairment can all occur due to the dangerous heat .

"Historical data show that more people are likely to be involved in car accidents because of heat-related impacts, such as a reduced ability to focus, a poor quality of sleep and an altered mood. "

Levels will make temperatures feel between 38 and 43C during midday and afternoon this week.

The high temperatures in Tokyo are generally between 29 ° C and 31 ° C, so this level of heat is unprecedented.

Heat conditions make relief efforts following recent floods in Japan dangerous for aid workers.

Less than a month ago, more than 200 people were killed by floods because of landslides and floods caused by heavy rains.

Cleaning continues after the disaster, with some 4,500 people living in emergency shelters.

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