Heavy rain in the north, thunderstorms in the south. There are more warnings


There is an area of ​​atmospheric fronts over Poland, which in places bring intense precipitation. He spoke more about the weather situation in Poland in "You get up and know" Tomasz Wasilewski.

The Institute of Meteorology and Water Management issues first-degree meteorological warnings before heavy rain with storms

In southern Poland, warnings are in place before the hailstorm.

IMGW predicts that from Thursday to Friday

Heavy rains with storms

IMWW warns against the phenomenon in the following provinces: Kujawsko-Pomorskie and Pomorskie . In all poviats, during the validity period of the warning, that is to say until 15:00 on Thursday, it can fall from 30 to 50 liters of water per meter square of surface

Rainfall must also be accompanied by storms and gusts at speeds of up to 70 kilometers per hour.

In the province West Pomerania at 14:00 on Thursday, it can fall to 30-40 l / m2. Thunderstorms accompanied by hail

IMGW warn four voivodeships of southern Poland before storms with hail: śląskie małopolskie świętokrzyskie and podkarpackie .

Thunderstorms are expected with rainfall of 15-25 l / m2. Locally, it can fall to 40 l / m2. Discharges will be accompanied by wind speeds of up to 70 km / h. In some cities, possible hail

Alerts are valid until 7 am Thursday.


In the region, during storms, there may be 15 to 30 l / m2. rain, and the wind can blow up to 75 km / h. Synwidnica, gorroda, Wrocław, Wrocław, Oławski, Strzelin, Bwidnica, łroda, Wrocław, Wrocław, Wrocław, Wrocław, Łódory dzierżoniowski and Kłodzki

Warnings are valid on Wednesdays until 9 pm


In the province, thunderstorms are forecast with rainfall of the order of 15 to 30 l / m2. and gusts of wind up to 75 km / h. Locally, it is possible to rain hail.

Alerts valid in the districts of: Brzesko, Nysa, Prudnik, Krapkowice, Głubczyce, Kędzierzyńsko-Kozienski and Strzelecki until 9:00 pm

Thursday rainy and stormy

The aura will be stormy and rainy IMGW can stay on Poland also Thursday and Thursday night. First Level Warnings for Nine Provinces May Be Issued

In the following provinces: warmińsko-mazurskie and podlaskie the synoptics predict thunderstorms with rainfall ranging from 5 to 15 l / m², reaching locally about 25 l / m². and wind with gusts up to 75 km / h. Hail may fall in places.

In the following provinces: Mazowieckie and lubelskie storms with rainfall ranging from 10 to 20 l / m² can pass. and gusts of wind up to 70 km / h. Synoptics do not exclude hailstorms

. Pomeranian There may be moderate rainfall and strong periods in addition to thunderstorms. Rainfall predicted from 15 to 25 l / m², in some localities 40 l / m². There will be storms with gusts of up to 70 km / h. Locally, it is possible to hail.

In the province Lubuskie IMGW predicts the occurrence of storms with rainfall of 5 l / m². up to 20 l / m², about 35 l / m² here and there. and gusts of wind up to 65 km / h.

In the region West Pomeranian Voivodeship moderate rainfall may fall. Rainfall can range from 8 to 18 l / m² and locally up to 40 l / m². Locally, storms will also pass with gusts of up to 70 km / h.

In the province Greater Poland rainfall of moderate intensity and high intensity may occur. It can fall 20-35 l / m2. the rain. Winds with gusts reaching up to 70 km / h are expected in some places

In the region precipitation of moderate and strong intensity may occur at Kujawsko-Pomorskie . The expected rainfall can range from 20 to 35 l / m². In some places, there will be storms up to 70 km / h.

Alerts must be in effect between 7:30 am on Thursday and 7:30 am on Friday

What does the first degree warning mean? Weather Phenomena May Cause Property Damage and Threat to Health and Life It is difficult and dangerous to conduct activities under conditions of exposure to these factors. Expect difficulties related to activities in the threat zone, including delays caused by traffic jams. during outdoor events or the opportunity to remind them, caution, the need to follow messages and weather developments. "

What is the prediction of the risks?

The forecast of the risks is" planned for three consecutive days, containing information on the possibility of a dangerous meteorological phenomenon. If, during this time, the weather situation develops in the unfavorable direction previously forecast, a weather warning will be issued. "

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