He's poisoned with his son in the playroom. Previously, he had posted ads all over Warsaw


"Two missing children – a 4 year old boy and a 6 year old girl" rang the announcement that was posted in September on poles and trees in various parts of Warsaw. There were pictures of "wanted" children, a phone number and a call: "anyone who has seen my children is in urgent contact".

He distributed ads and then poisoned himself and his son

Images of ads in the streets of Warsaw were sent to our editorial team, who asked to check if the children had really disappeared. In September, we contacted the police, who informed her that she had not registered a complaint about the disappearance of children whose pictures were stuck on poles.

It turns out that the announcement was broadcast by Tomasz M., who, Sunday night, in the playroom of Bemowo, immortally poisoned with his son aged 4 years. This is what happened when seeing a man and a child in the presence of a probation officer. Tomasz M. went to the restroom with his son, then gave him a poisonous substance and took it himself.

Tomasz M. also placed pictures of children in his social media, where he also launched a call for help to find them. Advertisements were also to appear in the streets of Wrocław, where he lived permanently.

Prosecutor's Office: every thread of the case will be the subject of an investigation

We asked for a comment about this on the district prosecutor's office in Warsaw, which – as we have reported – has already opened an investigation in connection with the tragedy in the games room.

Mirosława Chyr, deputy spokesman of the district prosecutor's office in Warsaw, said it was too early to confirm whether investigators were aware earlier of the announcement made by Tomasz M. in Warsaw.

– Because of the rank of events, the prosecutor's office must first determine the causes of the father's and son's death. There are many subjects in this business. Due to its delicacy, we can not provide such detailed information, especially those concerning events two months before the tragedy – she said in an interview with Gazeta.pl

She added that during the investigation, the prosecutor's office would explain "all cases in the matter." The body of the deceased boy and his father will be buried in the near future – probably again on Tuesday 27 November.

Refer to the "Notes" of TVN.

At the time of the tragedy, Tomasz M. saw his children under the curator's watch for the first time – seeing earlier could have happened without the witnesses. The mother of her 4-year-old son and 6-year-old daughter, who was going through a divorce with a man, applied for the probation officer.

The woman was the protagonist of TVN's "Remarks" report, broadcast five days before the tragedy. She pointed out that her children were at risk because she was at risk of seeing them without the supervision of a probation officer, despite the prosecutor's allegations that she would be continuously tortured, as well as by her children. The woman also stated that her husband had regularly kidnapped children, persecuted her and threatened her with suicide.

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