Higher unemployment benefits and changes in profiling? New Labor Market Law Comes – Labor Market Institutions – Unemployed


The increased flexibility of employment agencies to help the long-term unemployed more effectively is one of the objectives of the new labor market legislation – said the Minister of Labor. Family and Labor, Elżbieta Rafalska. "After 14 years of enforcing the law on the promotion of employment and labor market institutions, we say goodbye to this bill." The law goes out of favor: "We propose a new law on the labor market". press release in Warsaw.

A record level of unemployment

She pointed out that there is currently a record level of unemployment. It provided preliminary data for June 2018, which shows that the number of unemployed has fallen below 1 million and that the registered unemployment rate is 5.9%. The Minister of Family and Labor also said that favorable labor market trends translate into a higher employment rate – in 2016, it increased by 1.5 percent. point. percent, in 2017 – by 1.6 percentage points. "The data for the first quarter (2018 – PAP) show that this indicator continues to grow (…) If it was found that this upward trend is holding, we could have a rate of up to $ 25. employment of 71.5% at the end of the year. "- See the website: Economic Activity

" A good job market situation is a situation that creates ideal conditions for activating the long-term unemployed, also trying out Rafalska

Speaking of the main objectives of the new law, Rafalska first mentioned an increase in the flexibility of the work desks. "This flexible approach must the effectiveness and efficiency of the work of the labor offices, "she said, and spoke about the optimization of the forms of assistance provided by the agencies for the work. employment to the unemployed and jobseekers and the increase in to the long-term unemployed.

Ready to start a business without registration

The new regulations would also facilitate the return of Polish citizens abroad. Depending on the project, they will be able to borrow to start a business without having to sign up for employment agencies.

This unemployed person will benefit unemployed Polish citizens who have lived on the territory of the European Economic Area for the past two years: they have lived for at least 12 months; they have been continuously employed for at least six months or have been subject to health insurance for at least six months. Confirmation of the fulfillment of the condition will be statements made under penalty of criminal liability.

Changes in Profiling

Deputy Minister Stanisław Szwed said the proposed changes in the project relate to profiling assistance, long-term unemployment support. He also said that the changes for the employers concern, among other things introduction of a gift certificate or facilitation of the continuation of the work of foreigners at the same employer

As he said, after the Introduction of the proposed provisions, the employment agencies will be able to provide broader assistance to the unemployed. "Today, in many cases, we have to make such a situation that an unemployed person arrives after 30 years and the employment office informs him that he does not can not receive help "- explained the deputy minister

Szwed pointed out that the project also assumes a higher allocation – 130%. basic allowance – for unemployed persons who have at least 30 years of employment or other paid employment.

Another solution – continued the minister – that we propose is the priority for the training of the long-term unemployed without professional qualification. In addition, the project proposed a new solution for micro and small enterprises. It is the "good offer", which is to facilitate the search for candidates outside the registers of the labor offices poviat.

Foreigners will work longer on the basis of the declaration

The new regulations assume that the extended period up to 12 months will be the period they could work in Poland on the basis of a declaration of Intend to entrust work. Currently, on the basis of statements, citizens of Ukraine, Belarus or Russia can perform short-term work in Poland for up to six months.

The project proposes changes in the operation of the Voluntary Labor Corps (VLO). This institution will change its name to the State Center for the Activation of Youth (PCAM) to better reflect the activities of this group. "We need to overhaul the OHP, we focus our activities on young people from 14 to 25 years old, for young people who have problems of education, they can not find themselves in the learning", has said the deputy minister. (PAP)

authors: Paweł Żebrowski and Danuta Starzyńska-Rosiecka

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