Honey Skarbek is already separated from Smolast! "She threw the rapper and she's crazy about casinos"


According to "Fakt", Honey Skarbek (26) and Norbert Smolasty Smoliński (23) are no longer together …

Their tabloid business lasted for several months, although the teen idol and celebrity blogger did not officially confirm these revelations.

The rude "rapper" now has his five minutes. After his concerts, he was supposed to be partying with his fans, which irritated Skarbek.

"Fakt" reports that the celebrity could not stand it and decided to chase his beloved.

"She threw the rapper and the crazy in the casinos," proclaims the tabloid.

What exactly happened?

"Honorata has been strangling this relationship for a long time." When she realized that Smolyny was not taking her seriously, she definitely cut him off "- reveals a familiar singer.

Skarbek decided to resign from her separation in the United States, where she went on vacation.

He plans to spend more than 20,000 zlotys for a trip to Los Angeles and Las Vegas.

"Honey bounces in the game room." During her rest in Las Begas, she visited casinos, maybe she would have more luck with machines than lovers, "reads the tabloid.


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