hot night, daytime heat from the sky and violent storms


At night it will be cloudy at the eastern end of the country and in the Sudetenland. Then there will be a rainfall of 5-15 liters per square meter, and there will also be storms that fade. It will be clear in the rest of the country. The temperature will be 16 ° C in Upper Silesia, 17 ° C in the center of the country, after 19 ° C on the Land of Lubusz. The wind will be east and northeast, weak and moderate. In storms, it is stronger, up to 80 km / h.

Saturday hot and stormy

The beginning of the weekend will be fully sunny only in West Pomerania and in Wielkopolska. In the remaining regions, clouds will appear in the sky, from which it can strongly vibrate and rain around 10-40 l / m2. Hail may fall in places. The thermometers show from 28 degrees Celsius in Podkarpacie and in the region of Suwałki and the Gdańsk coast, through 30 degrees Celsius in the center of the country, after 32 degrees Celsius in Lower Silesia and Lubusz Land. In the west of the country, the wind will blow from the southeast and in the remaining area will blow north directions. He will be weak and moderate. Sometimes, however, it will blow harder, and in storms at speeds of up to 90 km / h.

Biometeorological Conditions

We have the highest humidity in the eastern and northeastern regions. It will decrease to the southwest, where it will be lower than 70%. We will feel the temperature subjectively as being hot and torrid. Biomateriological conditions will be unfavorable throughout the country

Forecasts for some cities


NIGHT: clear. The temperature will not fall below 19 ° C. The wind will be northeast, weak and moderate. The pressure drops slowly, around midnight it will reach 1000 hectopascals.

DAY: Moderate and large storms with rain showers and thunderstorms with hail. The temperature will increase to 30 ° C. The north-easterly wind will be weak and moderate, with fairly strong periods, and strong in storms. The pressure drops slowly, around noon, the barometers show 996 hPa


NIGHT: clear. The minimum temperature will be 18 ° C. The northeasterly winds are weak and moderate. The pressure drops, around midnight, it will be 1014 hPa

DAY: cloudy and moderate cloud cover with showers of rain and thunderstorms. The temperature will reach 28 ° C. The north-easterly wind will be weak and moderate, but with stronger storms. The pressure drops slowly, around noon the barometers will show 1010 hPa


NIGHT: clear. The thermometers will show in the coldest moment 18 ° C. The wind will be oriental, weak and moderate. The pressure drops slowly, around 1002 hPa at midnight

DAY: moderate and significant cloud cover. On the thermometers, the poles will reach 31 ° C. The wind will be southeast, weak and moderate, and it will be strong enough during the periods. The pressure drops slowly, towards noon, it will reach 1000 hPa


NIGHT: clear. the temperature will reach 18 ° C. It will indicate a low and moderate wind. The pressure drops slowly, around midnight, it will be 998 hPa.

DAY: Moderate and large storms with rain showers and thunderstorms with hail. The temperature at the hottest time will rise to 32 ° C. It blows from the southeast, the wind is weak and moderate. The periods can be stronger and the storms will be strong. The pressure drops slowly, around noon the barometers will show 997 hPa


NIGHT: clear. The temperature will drop to 17 ° C. It is northeast, low and moderate wind. The pressure decreases slowly, around 985 hPa at midnight.

DAY: Cloudy and moderate cloud cover with rain showers and thunderstorms accompanied by hail. On the thermometers, we will see 29 ° C. From the northeast it will be weak and moderate, with rather strong periods, a strong wind in the storm. The pressure drops slowly, towards noon, it will reach 984 hPa

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