House prices never go down? Anxiety test results. & # 39; Risk of creating favorites & # 39;


Residential property prices are increasing at a growing rate. In 2017, it was about 3%. year by year (less than in other countries in the region), in the first year of 2018, the rate increased to about 6%. from year to year – results from the "ING Financial Barometer" prepared by ING Bank economists.

.. Financial Barometer ING ING Bank lski

Moreover, in the games and the expectations of the Poles – and 64 percent according to respondents (8 percentage points higher than a year ago), he predicts a further increase in housing prices over the next 12 months. ING Bank Śląski economists point out that this could create a risk of speculative bottlenecks, but that for now, given the sale of home loans, one should not be afraid .

Prices for homes and apartments are rising, so people expect it to be so in the future. They may be tempted to speed up the purchase of housing, both for their own use and for investment purposes. This, in turn, promotes a further increase in real estate prices. This creates a risk of speculative bottling. However, for this to happen, there should be faster growth in the sale of mortgages.

– write to banking analysts.

Prices are rising while demand for homes and apartments is slightly lower than in previous years. As a result, in the opinion of the economists of ING Bank Polski, future quarters are expected to slow down price growth.

Interestingly, despite falling real estate demand, she sells home loans. There is no contradiction: you may find that the interest in buying an apartment without the support of credit has declined sharply (including for investment purposes). In addition, given rising prices, their buyers may be able to start supporting bank financing.

.. Financial Barometer ING ING Bank lski

The prices of life never go down?

The ING bank survey clearly indicates that more and more Poles are of opinion and real estate prices never go down. It's 51 percent. respondents.

The belief that real estate prices have never declined is one of the cognitive traps that contributed to the 2008 financial crisis. This is a disturbing observation when (false) belief about the steady rise in home prices and homes can stir up resentment that real estate investments can not be lost.

– said Karol Pogorzelski, economist at ING Bank. In this case, Pogorzelski also adds that the spread of such a vision is conducive to the growth of investment ceilings on the real estate market. – For this to happen, it would require faster growth in the sale of mortgages – reassures the economist.

Examination & # 39; ING Financial Barometer & # 39;Examination & # 39; ING Financial Barometer & # 39; .

Read this: The apartments are expensive like ten years ago. But we win a lot more

Poles recover recyclers

As can be seen from the "ING Financial Barometer", Poles – compared to representatives of other nationalities – leave the family home rather quickly and buy the first apartment.

"ING Financial Barometer""ING Financial Barometer" .

Interestingly enough, relatively few Poles – compared to other countries – are afraid of not being able to afford an apartment. Compared to other survey respondents, many people in Poland say that they simply do not want to buy an apartment.

"ING Financial Barometer""ING Financial Barometer" .

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