How much did Duda's office spend on alcohol?


Daily results show that the Chancellery of the 2014 President spent more than 1.3 million zlotys on alcohol. In 2015, President Andrzej Duda's bill amounts to 320,000 PLN. He shared this year with Bronisław Komorowski, who gave him the office in August. A year earlier, Bronisław Komorowski spent more than PLN 433 000 on alcohol during official receptions. In 2016, Andrzej Duda managed to save – 240,000 zlotys were allocated to alcohol. In turn, in 2017, 217,000 were spent on this topic. Until June 2018, the alcohol bill amounts to 95,000 PLN.

The Chancellery of the President in an interview with "Super Express" indicates that alcohol is served in accordance with diplomatic protocol. The president's administration also conducts commercial activities. The president's drinks can be enjoyed "in the public premises of the Chancellery of the President". You can lose yourself, for example, with a glass of melliflower – a traditional vodka aged in honey.

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