How PiS will get rid of Ziobro. Brudzinski and Morawiecki do not know what to do


Z Bigniew Ziobro died, and that was his life mission. He had to destroy the opposition with the help of prosecutors and loyal judges, but he did not accomplish the task. Worse, Joachim Brudziński and Mateusz Morawiecki do not know how to get him out of the saddle – writes Newsweek

During Stanisław Gawłowski's speech at the Sejm, Zbigniew Ziobro sat in the last government benches hidden behind Beata Szydło. His face was like he was going to faint from fear – describes the weekly. Why? Nicknamed the Sheriff of the Right, the Minister of Justice had all the tools to make "total opposition" to the skin, while he was disappointing his colleagues.

The ABC stops, but Ziobro does not condemn
As they say in parliamentary halls deputies and deputies, "the ABC stops, but Ziobro does not condemn in a way ". In addition, the PiS MP acknowledged to a friend of the opposition: "We have given access to the regular psychopath to all investigative materials that can be used against our activists and counselors."

C & Is the central registry by which Ziobro has access to court proceedings documents. This is what is called the "Central Hook Record" – also by PiS activists. And Ziobro did not use the enormous powers to destroy the opposition. He used them to blackmail PiS.

This is the case of the conflict with Mateusz Morawiecki, who tried to get rid of Ziobro as part of the reconstruction of the government. It turned out that he was in possession of documents from the development investigation on the granting of foreign currency loans by BZ WBK at a time when his chairman was the only one in the world. current prime minister.

Brudzynski and Morawiecki in a Point
PiS now has a nut hard to break because it has high hydra. For many years, Ziobro tried to reclaim the president and, when he finally succeeded, he won a crowd of loyal prosecutors, presidents of more than a third of the courts, members of the Tribunal national and soon Supreme Court judges.

He also has thousands of people in state treasury companies. He generously rewards his "experts" for their services. As Newsweek writes, the operation of his government withdrawal may be at least as risky as depriving Antoni Macierewicz 's influence.

source: Newsweek

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