Hungary to consider withdrawal of the UN migration agreement


Hungary will consider withdrawing from a migration agreement agreed by the UN – announced Friday the head of the Hungarian diplomacy Peter Szijjarto in an interview with the agency MTI to New York.

The minister announced Wednesday that he would ask the Hungarian government to withdraw from the process of adopting the global migration package and made it clear that he would not consider any of its provisions and guidelines as making authority for himself.

According to the minister, the final text of the package is completely contrary to common sense, the interests of Hungary and the intention to restore European security and absurdly wants to stimulate migration processes. He felt that the package only takes into account the interests of Africa, Latin America and small island states, recognizing migration as a fundamental human right. This is a false approach, according to Szijjarto

The minister also felt that the package completely ignored the fundamental rights of those who want to live in their own country in conditions of security and peace and only takes only the interests of migrants. It also imposes obligations on member states that will be an invitation to migrants and will lead to a new wave of millionaire immigration

The UN member states approved the text of the Global Compact on migration Friday, but states United States did not interfere. already in December. The text, which is not binding, will be formally adopted at the international summit in Marrakesh in December 1969.

Budapest Małgorzata Wyrzykowska (PAP)

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