Hunters shot thousands of birds in the Vistula lagoon. They claim that they did not break the law


The inhabitants of the village of Nowa Pasłęka, in the Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship, find their dead birds. – You can call this killing – says Zdzis³aw Cenian, ornithologist, in conversation with

New Pas³ê: Thousands of birds were slaughtered

It is suspected that birds were killed during the hunt, which took place at the end of October. Then six Italians hunted in this area for ten days.

According to ornithologists, a number of transgressions occurred during the hunt. One of them was the absence of a dog capable of killing the birds. The animals were simply left behind and experts suspect that no one would take them away. There was also no Polish guide with the Italian hunters, which is required, and the birds were called following their voices, which is forbidden.

The Vistula Lagoon is part of the Baltic Sea

Another important problem was the location of the hunt. The art was broken 53 of the Hunting Law, which states that birds can not be hunted 5 kilometers from the seashore in the depths of the sea. However, the Italians hunted in the lagoon of the Vistula – part of the Baltic Sea.

However, the Polish-Lithuanian Soviet Union insists that there was no violation of the law and that all necessary consents were in place. – You can not identify the waters of the lagoon with the sea – says the spokesperson of the association, Paulina Marzęcka.

However, the maritime office of Gdynia leaves no doubt: – The Vistula lagoon is part of the marine areas, and the coast of the Vistula lagoon is the shore of the sea – he informs.

The case has been reported to the police. The officers will explain his situation. Ornithologists say that for acts committed by the hunter, he could be threatened with a sentence of up to five years in prison.

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