"I do not agree with you!"


I think that it is necessary to draw up a long list for the EP. I do not believe in the patronage of President Tusk because he is the head of the Council of Europe and can not do it, he can not engage in national politics

– said Grzegorz Schetyna, chairman of the OP, in the program "Kropka nad i" (TVN24).

Although the former KNF leader Marek Ch. He was detained by the ABC and he heard accusations, Schetynie does not suit him anyway …

READ ALSO: URGENT. The former head of the Financial Supervisory Authority (KNF) has heard allegations of abuse of power for bribery purposes. He faces up to 10 years in prison

It is a scandal at the highest level of power. Inefficient or bad service. In addition, the prosecutor's office was not seized and spent seven days at the prosecutor's office.

– the PO leader continued to applaud.

He was allowed to clean the cabinet

– he added.

Schetyna admitted that he wished to submit to the commission of inquiry Minister Zbigniew Ziobro, Mariusz Kamiński, president of the ABC and president of NBP.

Why did not the services react immediately?

– he was indignant. But questioned about Leszek Czarnecki's delay in revealing the case, he responded evasively.

I am not his lawyer. (…) He said that he wanted to prepare the company for a shock

– he said.

The head of the platform also attacked the president of the NBP.

Glapiński is his closest associate since the 1990s. He was dealing with issues that the head of the PC did not want to deal with. I hope not only the media, but also the services and the prosecutor's office. (…) He is responsible for this personal indication [Marka Ch. jako przewodniczącego KNF – red.] and he should be questioned and should stand before the investigating committee

– he said.

I do not think the Ziobro prosecutor's office explains this problem. When I heard that Zbigniew Ziobro wanted to personally supervise the case, I then asked him why so late?

– he added.

Ironically, Schetyna accused PiS of creating layouts …

We will want to show the public what is the shape of this pathology and how many billions have been wasted

– he said.

Will he apologize for the words on the "PiS system of mafia"? The police chief showed arrogance.

READ ALSO: A definitive reaction to the impudent accusation PO! Law and Justice apologized to Schetyna for the words "Mafia Arrangement"

Indeed, many indications indicate that this system has connections. We will prove it, it's the commission

– he said.

It hurts! We are here with our heads up and we will fight for the truth: the impact of spelling relationships on Poles' pockets

– He said without shame the training policy, which has lost hundreds of billions because of the state budget – just remember the problem of VAT – which has many scandals!

During the conversation, the subject of Donald Tusk's possible return to Polish politics and his potential candidacy for the post of President of Poland was discussed.

READ MORE: They did it! Donald Tusk raises the net on a white horse. Netizens burst out laughing. SEE the same and comments

It probably depends on a lot of things. (…) Prior to his meeting with the investigation committee, we discussed the fact that he was overseeing the hard work that we were doing and that he was absolutely focused in mid-December on RE

Said Schetyna.

I think that it is necessary to draw up a long list for the EP. I do not believe in the patronage of President Tusk because he is the head of the Council of Europe and can not do it, he can not engage in national politics

– he said.

The politician threatened PiS with claiming concessions in Brussels over the justice system and the Supreme Court.

He is to pretend. Kaczyński wants to get out of the collision with the EC. But KE can not be fooled. (…) The intentions are always bad

– he added.

In addition, there was no subject in which he would not attack the leaders …

Our government has not done anything about Ukraine. I say it with a lot of responsibility and sadness. (…) We have to react

– instruction of the former Minister of Foreign Affairs.

READ MORE: Tension in the East! Poroshenko: Ukraine is seriously threatened by a massive invasion of Russia

Even Monika Olejnik could not listen to these whimsical claims!

I do not agree with you! There is a Polish voice and she is as strong as the French or German government

Schetyna replied.

SEE: Talk about Duda with Poroshenko and meeting with Morawiecki. Szczerski: "Hardening of sanctions regime against Russia should be considered"


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