"I will be the president in exile"


The former First President of SN Małgorzata Gersdorf probably does not realize how strange her words are when she defends her position. His story takes on an increasingly grotesque form! "I will be the president in exile," said Gersdorf, complaining about the Polish reform of justice in Germany!

ALSO READ: Insolence! Gersdorf in a letter to the President: "I declare that my term lasts until April 30, 2020"

Gersdorf came to Karlsruhe to give a lecture entitled "The Rule of Law in Poland – Lost Opportunities ? ". Earlier in this German city she took part in a press conference.

The former first president supported the President of the German Federal Court of Justice Bettina Limperg

I suppose Małgorzata Gersdorf was unlawfully dismissed

a court that corresponds to the Polish Supreme Court. She expressed her hope that Gersdorf will be present at the Conference of Presidents of the Highest Judges of the EU to be held in Karlsruhe in September

The release of Margaret Gersdorf is a temporary and dramatic climax of catastrophic developments [19659006] – Limperg says German agency. She added that "the situation in Poland gives her the biggest concern."

ALSO READ: Insolence! The President of the German Federal Court intervenes in our internal affairs. He wants Gersdorf to stay at the post

Gersdorf at a press conference before the conference begins to make an increasingly absurd narrative to defend his position. He was asked, inter alia for a comment on the adoption of the amendments by the Sejm on Friday, including on the Supreme Court and the courts concerning the proceedings for the election of the first President of the Court Supreme Court and the appointment of judges to the Supreme Court.

Gersdorf said that it was obvious that the Sejm would pass laws. She added that the Friday procedure in the Sejm of the law was a procedure "not adopted in the European legal spheres". She stressed that the law should lead to a faster exchange of human resources. She added that the exchange of staff judges is wrong because she thinks the lawyer is older, the wisest.

ALSO READ: The Sejm passed an amendment to the laws reforming the administration of justice. Important Changes Regarding the Election of the First President of the Supreme Court

What Happens When the Second President Appears? The judges do not have an army. The judge will always lose power. It will be as it will be. Right now, we have the acting president of my authority. The president says that of his authority. The new president will not be elected soon, despite the acceleration

– she said

that I will be the president of exile

– she said.

When asked if the time would come when she would give in, she replied, "I have nothing left to give up. I'm near the wall. "

I can only continue, in my opinion, that I am the president, but there is no way that the judge, and yet the woman, in power, is trying to oppose all

– she said.

She added that she wanted to break with the message to the Polish society that the actions taken by the leaders are actions against the current constitution, and she swore to protect this constitution.

Therefore I am determined by my oath because I am an honorary person.However, at one point, nothing can be done

– she said

As she It has been emphasized that the KRS is composed mainly of regional judges who will evaluate candidates to the Supreme Court by sending these candidates to the President.

At the Supreme Court, there will be people including Supreme Court justices do not know anything, maybe they'll be very good people, and maybe & # 39; s they will be very bad people. We have no idea

– she pointed

She said that she intends to come to work Monday, but she wants to continue the holidays that she had scheduled earlier.

On Friday, Gersdorf gave a lecture in Karlsruhe entitled "The State of the Law in Poland – Lost Opportunities?". As she has ruled, the damage done to Polish justice by the laws of the past two and a half years is "unfortunately very serious and nothing predicts their correction in the near future."

The independence of the Polish court was destroyed Constitutional, in which the compositions are manually set to dictate the expectations of the ruling party. The Minister of Justice and the Attorney General in a person already has all the instruments in hand that really allow (him – PAP) to influence the course of cases, especially criminal cases. He has the presidents of court and he has more than half of the National Council of the Judiciary for people without a constitutional mandate that owes him everything

– she stressed, "this machine can take anyone at the top or destroy, according to their will leaders. "

A purge was carried out in the Supreme Court under the guise of a retroactive change in the age of retirement. (…) The contents of laws important on the judiciary is constantly changing, without consultations and opinions

– she said

Gersdorf Conference was dedicated to the memory of Reinhold Frank – lawyer and fighter of the resistance in Karlsruhe Giving him, Gersdorf also expressed gratitude to the EC and its deputy, but also felt that "the mandate of the European institutions is too weak, especially in the face of the authoritarian and nationalist tendencies that we see today. "

I know that some governments of the member states – even if I think that this does not apply to Germany – tend to treat the so-called reform of the Polish justice as an internal issue that should not be disturbed 19659006] – she stressed

Meanwhile – As Gersdorf added – "we are talking about a priority issue, investing in our common future".

If the Union and its members say "belt!" In a dispute over the rule of law, the mark of respect for human rights and fundamental rights of the EU could become a sad memory tomorrow

– she stressed


OUR INTERVIEW Professor Gersdorf is still the President of SN? Piotrowicz: "She might as well consider herself a Chinese Emperor "

President Przyłębska for wPolsce.pl:" Mrs. President Gersdorf has crossed a certain border and I think it's dangerous. "VIDEO

Minister Sasin for wPolsce.pl: Gersdorf treats the SN and the judiciary as a private farmhouse of extraordinary caste. VIDEO


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