Ikea and Xiaomi start strategic cooperation


Katarzyna Waś-Smarczewska

At the official conference, Ikea and Xiaomi announced global cooperation. What can these two companies combine?

Bjorn Block, IKEA HomeSmart project manager

Ikea is a well-known home furnishing manufacturer: furniture, decoration, home electronics and home appliances, while Xiaomi is mainly associated with the smartphone market in Poland. However, this company has a lot more to offer, including humidifiers, items
stationery, small electronics or appliances and electronic devices. The cooperation of the two companies will concern the Internet of Things.

What is the Internet of Things? In simple terms, this is the control of household appliances using appliances – and here Ikea and Xiaomi have seen the ground show themselves. Xiaomi has been offering such solutions to its customers in China for some time and the cooperation with Ikea aims to make this project a global one. As you can imagine, we can, for example, control lighting with a Xiaomi smartphone or, for example, open or close windows remotely.

As explained Lei Jun, General Manager
Xiaomi, over the next five years, each of the devices proposed by the company will have to meet the standards of artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things. It should be added that Xiaomi has already created Xiao AI, responsible for the design of smart homes. In Xiao AI
about one hundred million compatible devices have already been connected in China, and the number of
Active users in the monthly cycle exceeds 34 million.

We will see the effects of the cooperation of the two brands later this year.



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