"I'm not sure it's in the best interest of Germany"


Fig. Sputnik / EAST NEWS

a more worthy position of Donald Trump in the Nord Stream 2 case.

A meeting between Donald Trump and Wadimir Putin ended. At the conference summing up the question on Gazocig Nord Stream 2 – investment strongly criticized by the US President

– How billions and billions of dollars, mainly German, can be injected into Russian pockets when we try to d & # 39; to have peace in the world a few days ago? During a visit to the UK, President Trump expresses his investment project. He calls it a "terrible thing" that does not suit Germany or NATO.

Today, when the conference summarizing the Trump-Putin meeting raises the question of gazzil, the American president speaks much more aggressively. A good competitor, said Trump. – Do not think that it is in the interest of Germany, but they made this decision. We have a lot of energy, we are going to sell LNG and we are going to compete.

Read: Nord Stream 2. The United States warns of sanctions related to gazocig

– We can work successfully on regulating global markets in response to questions about gazocig Wadimir Putin. They will emphasize that Russia is ready to increase transit through Ukraine, if certain problems are resolved.

Nord Stream 2 is a double gazocig that runs along the existing North Pipeline. The pipe of Russia must be driven to the bottom of the Batyko and will go to Germany

"The money, it is important." Gociem: Wioletta Kleczka – Director of Internal Operations of Alior Bank

According to the opponents of investment, the construction of the gas pipeline on the seabed is not economically justified and the transit countries will leave Russia to control the energy security of Germany

Germany is confident that Nord Stream 2 will be created. They have already started construction

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